Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday: The Death of Thanksgiving

So, I was just informed by my girlfriend who has a cousin that works at Best Buy, that customers were lined up outside their building since 9:30 am Thanksgiving morning. This just brings me back to the comment I made in the Discussion Board the other day. Capitalism and Consumerism is killing the holiday spirit. Instead of celebrating with their families, people waste an entire day just to be the first in line at some mega sales event, which is put on just so the corporations can make tons of more money than they already have. It's like the don't even care about the holidays, or the fact that these corporations and business are forcing their employees to lose out on their own holiday's with their families, so they can be up early on Black Friday, or in the case of Kmart,who was open yesterday, miss out on thanksgiving day.

Instead of lining up outside at early morning hours, people should boycott so those employees can still have a holiday, and see their families. Its not their fault that they have to work minimal wage jobs just to get by in this expensive world, which only gets more and more expensive each day.


  1. I do feel like Thanksgiving get a little overshadowed by Christmas. Did you hear that at one of the Best Buy lines, I don't think it was around here, a couple got married in line while waiting for the story to open. Crazy huh?

  2. People are so ridiculous. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, no gifts, no religion, just good food and quality time with your family and friends. To me that is what the holidays are about. Not religion, not who gets the best presents or how much you can save or spend on them.

  3. Is it really worth it for someone to wake up at 3:30 am to stand in line outside for 5 hours in order to save $100 dollars on a television. I think that people are so eager to get these crazy deals that they end up spending more money then they orignallly planned on spending otherwise. The stores know what they are doing, they just want to get you in the door...then you belong to them!

  4. I work at Walgreens and I can tell you that the place NEVER closes. It doesn't matter if its Thanksgiving or Christmas or the end of the world. No matter what is going on, Walgreens is open 365 days a year. Also, they got rid of Christmas bonuses last year. Pretty pathetic if you ask me. Oh yeah, and one way or another, you have to work one of the two. Retail Sucks!
