Monday, October 19, 2009

Balloon Boy

So I was sitting in Crimson with my roommate earlier tonight waiting for him to get his dinner, and I saw on Fox News an update on the Henne Family. The ones who had claimed that their child was trapped inside a weather balloon that was flying away. Apparently they had fabricated the entire story just so they could get some sort of reality show deal. Which really pissed me off. You call in this fake emergency that gets nationwide attention, causing tons of emergency responders to search in vain for a missing child, who wasn't even missing. This is the problem with society today, and this is the problem with what is put on television. All these stupid reality shows about the stupidest things, and about the most ridiculous people. It is sad that this is what our entertainment has come to. The sad thing is, once they serve their sentence, if any, they'll probably get a tv show anyway.


  1. any time any news broke about this story it was covered live, I was at the gym a few times when that came on it was crazy

  2. I concur that they will probably get a reality tv show. What won't we do nowadays to get a little spotlight of our own? Kinda pathetic really. Heck the incident has its own wikipedia page lol.

  3. yeah this whole story is pathetic. i can't imagine doing something so ridicolously immature and desperate just to get a reality show. a stunt like that isn't worth it.

  4. I think they should really throw the proverbial book at the Henne family, primarily the father and mother. What they did was completely unacceptable. They caused such havoc and mayhem it really messed things up. I mean what if there had been a REAL emergency and it didn't recieve proper attention because all the forces had been deployed to this farce? It's awful. From what I can see this people seem like real wackos and what they did is indicative of this.

  5. That family will forever be known as the balloon family. Bad parenting I think. Are these people crazy?

  6. They ARE crazy. And it makes me so angry that they would do something so irresponsible and immature. Hundreds of kids go missing everyday and thousands of families wake up everyday and continue to search and hope for the safety of their missing children. Shame on the Hennes for exploiting all those resources and for basically mocking families who have actually lived through that nightmare. Its disgusting.

  7. The father is a sick human bean! I hope the wife doesn't get charged. Just another classic example of letting fame go to the head.

  8. Yea i hate this family and what television has come to as well. It really gets me mad. I would not be sad if those parents got in a car accident.

  9. they make reality shows on anything, or at least a special one hour thing for these people

  10. oh man i don't know why news stories blow up so bad like this in america when we could be talking about real things instead of crazy people. i feel like micheal jackson died again when i hear about these irresponsible parents. i just feel bad for the kid.
