Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Ticking Clock

Time is the cruelest and most fickle thing. It's only been a week and a half into the semester, yet I already feel like I have been here for a month. Four and a half years at college is a semester too long. The college scene no longer holds any excitement, it no longer holds any thrills. It just something that's dragging along, making me wish for a change of scenery.

It's funny too. Because the first four years flew by, always too fast, and it was the summers that dragged on. Now it's the exact opposite. The even more cruel twist is the fact that my grandmother was just diagnosed with cancer of the spine and has 6 to 12 months left. And of course this means that at the same time that I want the clock to spin faster, so I can leave the monotony of college, and move on with my life, I don't want it to move at all so my grandmother won't pass on. Then again, now that I think about it, it would probably be better for her, because she is probably in a lot of pain.

Life is a cruel sometimes.

1 comment:

  1. life is cruel sometimes dan i just went through the same shit your going through now. my grandmother battled cancer for four years and just recently passed. its a shitty part of life that we all must face. best of luck.
