Thursday, September 24, 2009

So I've just watched the video link Dr. Ingvoldstad posted on Cornel West talking about Barack Obama and Colorblindness. I must say I found it a very interesting speech. I like the way West criticizes people for calling themselves colorblind, because it is very true, there really isn't any way to look at a person and not notice the color of their skin. A person can choose to ignore it, or not care what color it is, but they still know the color. I think it makes a very interesting point, one that I interpreted, to show say that some people are just afraid to acknowledge racial differences at the risk of being tagged as a racist, when instead they should just choose to acknowledge another person's skin color and then move on and accept the difference.

I also enjoyed West's critique of all those who celebrated the first black President even though they claimed to be so called colorblind. I thought that this made a good point on whether or not people actually make political choices on qualifications or upon race.

I just wish that I had been able to hear more of what he thought of Obama, since the video seemed to skip over that part. It would be very interesting to hear what his view of him was, considering he is a big figure in racial equality.


  1. The video was one I stumbled across on YouTube--recorded at a book signing in NYC, I think. There has to be plenty of other stuff out there for you to see with a little research. If you find a good clip, post it here on your blog!

  2. I agree. But i c=kinda believe colorblindness is half cop-out/half almost impossible. Everyone notices color. It's impossible to avoid. If you are saying "colorblindness" in terms of not judging then good. But otherwise, it's a cop out for people who don't want to deal witha real issue. My .02
