Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Communications Panel

So I don't know if any of you were able to attend the panel of communications majors in the RCC today. My Business and Professional Communication class with Dr. Litvin attended instead of the regular class meeting, and I must say it was very interesting to listen to all of the cool stuff these majors were doing. It really made me wish that I had not chosen skewed path I had, going from Poli Sci to History, and instead chosen to be a Communications major instead. The graduates seem to be enjoying what they are doing, and I must say they're careers do sound fun and enjoyable. I wish I had been smart enough to do try an internship somewhere, because from what a couple of them said, especially the recent grad who is with the chamber of commerce, they are very helpful when trying to get your foot in the door. I also found it interesting and slightly amusing, that it was unanimous among the panel that they suggest keeping your text books, I never really thought some of them to be that interesting or useful, but they are damn expensive.

Anyway, just thought I'd say that from listening to this panel and from my own experience with my unofficial minor in Communication Studies, I think you guys have a pretty cool and enjoyable major. I just wish I hadn't been foolish, and thought more about that decision, so maybe I could have partaken in it more. But oh well, no point living in regrets.


  1. i agree! as an unofficial communications major (will double with comm and english), i found the prospect of having a job as stimulating as the panel members very motivating. hopefully i can get my butt in gear and find me an internship!

  2. damn i wanted to go to that discussion but ironically i was at my internship today and couldn't attend. My major is communication so it def would of been helpful i hope there will another esp after the positive feedback from you guys.

  3. The discussion was deffinitly motivating. It made me really consider getting an internship and start thinking about what I am going to do when I graduate. It's scary because I honestly have no idea what I want to do. Hearing their opinions and experiences with internships however, made me realize that that may be a good choice for me. It was worthwhile for sure.
