Thursday, October 15, 2009

Limbaugh Again

Alright, so I know that I already blogged about this guy this week, but he is really pissing me off. I was reading an article on about his response to being dropped from the (I was very happy when I heard about this part). But apparently on his show Thursday he was giving his reaction to this situation and among one of the things he said was "what happened to him was an illustration of 'Obama's America on full display.'" Now this quote really pissed me off when I read it, it is so blatantly racist it is disgusting. It angers me that this man has such a following, and that people actually respect his opinions. I mean I am all for the Bill of Rights and normally I am not one to stop someone's free speech, but I really wish someone would take this guy off the air. His words are poisonous to the country, and to all of his listeners who take his word as fact. Anyway, I thought this was relatively pertinent to class discussion, since it was a very racist remark, made by a racist man.


  1. it sucks that he got dropped from a business aspect, but he should understand that they did it so they would have a better chance to buy the team

  2. i just straight up don't like this guy and i hope he gets dropped from his radio show. His words are poisionous and i'm surprised he has a following.
